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Сообщения, опубликованные pacepneumatics

  1. фитинг закрути др или трубку в этом месте зафиксируй(я делал так полоску метала огибал вокруг стойки, зажимал ее болтом, а на два конца полоски прикреплял трубку и все гуд)


    I like your head portrait, we specialized in producing pneumatic connectors. :buzz:

  2. what about shipping? what if i plan to order some huge part (1000+ fittings)? what about customs clearance?


    better find out some specifically details about country, you want to trade with, before do some offers out here... 

    Dear Sir, many Russian friend imported from us, they have Russian shipment forwarder in china, if you want, we can ask them to contact you, it's not a big problem.

  3. Dear all,


    We are Chinese manufacturer and specialized in producing pneumatic fittings, brass pipe fittings, air tubing, quick coupler etc., we have many types of air fittings, Camozzi style, DOT style, Cmatic style, universal type etc.


    Have a interesting, please visit our site: www.china-pace.com, email: pace@china-pace.com








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